Infinity has selected three exclusive vendors who are famous for their huge selection, expert services and attentive customer service. Our vendors, The Home Depot Pro and its subsidiaries (Wilmar and Renovations Plus), Express Kitchens and ASHPA understand that our numbers are growing exponentially, and therefore offer special pricing reflecting the purchasing power of our membership. For our customers, only the best.
We hand-pick customer service representatives for our team, who will focus solely on getting you the products you need at the best prices and will always be available to answer your call. Our unique relationship with our vendors and our in-house customer service team lets us advocate for you and keep tabs on the service you receive.
To benefit our clients, a custom catalog is designed to meet the specific needs for each of our members, focusing on the most relevant purchasing options to choose from for your real estate properties. All products are sold at exclusive Infinity pricing, with additional deep steep discounts for bulk purchases.
The Home Depot Pro Stockwise inventory system keeps track of your stock for you. They’ll estimate when you’ll need to restock and notify you when you’re running low, saving you time and energy, not to mention money on unneeded or last minute rush purchases.
Members of our Infinity Procurement Services can take advantage of the many convenient purchasing services that our vendors provide, such as walkthroughs by a renovation specialist who will immediately write a proposal, Pro purchase cards which allow for one-swipe purchasing straight from your account, and free next day delivery.